My Fuzzy Warbles }{ Disc One }{ Bergweihnacht

Adorno once wrote, “Only when gramophonic reproduction breaks down are its objects transformed.” Never mind the bickering over whether or not this passage argues the notion of transparency in correctly functioning sound reproduction technology.  Let’s get to the transformations!  Here’s an excerpt from Franzl Lang’s Bergweihnacht as played back on my malfunctioning Pro-Ject MkII turntable: […]

Schizophonographics* }{ Side A }{ First Cut

*Evocations of the schizophonic condition through the graphic representation of materials and/or processes pertaining to phonography. Side A: Juxtapositions from the ruins of an unwritten treatise on haunted phonography in the cinema. Love from Mother Only }{ Dennison Ramalho }{ 2003 The Curves of the Needle }{ Theodor Adorno }{ 1927 For common ailments that are […]