Sound Writing Practices }{ AcWriMo 2013 }{ Week 2
This is my log for #AcWriMo 2013. You can read my guiding philosophy for the exercise here, and my lofty goals here. Now let’s get on with my accountability.
Daily Log: Week 2
Nov. 11th
My two year-old came down with whatever my four year-old had on Friday so she stayed home with me today. I managed to get about two hours of writing in on Week 1 post. Still not done!
Nov. 12th
* 1 Pomodoro – abstract for upcoming guest lecture
* 2 pomodoros – acwrimo blog
* 1 hour – emailing about job applications etc.
* 2 pomodoros – chapter work, including reading
* 2 hours revising job application materials and submitting new materials for long listed application
Nov. 13th
* 3 Pomodoros to finish my Week 1 post. Damn that took a long time! But part of this whole AcWriMo thing is public discussion, and it was really useful to think about what writing means to me and how I want it to fit into my life – and how AcWriMo can help me achieve that. And if anyone else finds it useful, then so much the better.
* 2 Pomodoros on second chapter; one spent re-reading a theory section; the other spent reading up on the discourse and inserting recent stuff into a brand new 376 word paragraph.
Nov. 14th
* 4 Pomodoros plus one hour free-writing on job application. Took way longer on this than I had hoped, but it’s a more important application than some of the others so I put much more effort into customizing my materials for the position. This took me from 11 am to 3 pm with a few breaks. Exhausted now, especially since I wasn’t taking a break between each Pomodoro which is essential to stay refreshed and fight off the aches and blurs. And I haven’t even started my chapter work for the day! But I’ll attempt another 4 Pomodoros over the next two hours and see what happens.
tips for good writing habits. I may sneak in an hour later to finish another job application due tomorrow so that, in the morning, my last work day of the week, I can get right to work on my chapter without losing most of the day.
* 3 Pomodoros on the introduction to my second sample chapter. Despite my bit of burn-out after the job application I was able to get a second wind and made really excellent progress on polishing the set-up for the chapter, including a more crystalline description of my argument than I’ve been able to achieve thus far. I end this run feeling like I could go on for a few more units, but alas the kids await my arrival at daycare. It’s good to end on a high note though, as suggested by Charlotte Frost in her* Got another half hour in on that job application around 1:30 am after waking up and failing to get back to sleep. I would have finished it up but my 4 year-old came and found me in the living room and demanded that I return to bed.
Nov. 15th
* Decided to start with some chapter work today instead of leaving it to the end, building off the momentum I go going yesterday. Put in 2 Pomodoros and worked out some kinks in sections 2 and 3.
* Got an urgent message from the host of my upcoming guest lecture requesting that I send her the revised version of my abstract for the talk. So I put in 2 Pomodoros on that and got it done.
* Had to work upstairs with the baby strapped on, so no timer but 90 minutes straight to finish up the job application due today. Longer than expected, but this one had a full online profile to create and a couple of weird formatting things.
Nov. 16th
I don’t usually like to work on Saturdays but I’ve been dragging my feet on compiling my list of job applications for December so I spent two hours getting that together and sending it out to my referees. 7 more jobs coming up with December deadlines. The fun never stops, though I’m not complaining as there is a much better crop for film and media studies this year than last.
Nov. 17th
Some late night Twitter chat with the AcWriMo crew while working on this blog post. Fun! About 1 hour writing my thoughts on the Pomodoro Technique.
Week 2 Summary
More productive than Week 1, but I’m going to have to step it up for the second half of AcWriMo if I’m going to meet my main goal of getting these sample chapters out of the way. Really going to try for a solid 8 Pomodoros per weekday next week.
In: #AcWriMo, Academia, Writing about Sound · Tagged with: #AcWriMo
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on November 19, 2013 at 9:58 pm
[…] Why I love my tomatoes! Amazing what you can do in 25 minutes. My Week 2 #AcWriMo log. @PhD2Published @PomodoroTech […]